
Risk Assessment and Monitoring

As part of on-going quality assurance, 性用社 regularly updates its risk assessments for each collaborative programme.

This is important because:

  • It allows the University to act proactively to deal with areas of potential risk before they cause a problem.
  • It allows the University to tailor procedures appropriately, and devote staff resource where it is most needed to support partners.

Risk assessments are conducted by the Collaborative Academic Lead and a member of Governance and Quality Enhancement staff. The outcome is reported to the Head of Division and the School Academic Board. High risk programmes are reported to the Portfolio Development Group, which will decide whether further intervention is needed.听

In some cases a programme may score as high risk for a number of years in a row. If this happens, 性用社 obviously needs to consider carefully whether the programme should continue. Exceptionally, a partner review may require to be undertaken.

性用社 will also consider the overall risk profile of a partnership before renewing an agreement. This is normally a desk-based exercise but in some circumstances it may involve collecting additional evidence and visiting the partner.

Sometimes political 性用社ments might affect the safety of 性用社 staff travelling to overseas countries. It is the responsibility of senior management to make the final decision on whether or not it is safe to travel. In some circumstances it may be necessary to hold exam boards or joint boards of studies via video conference as an alternative. The is a good source of advice on security and logistical matters. Note that all staff travelling abroad on 性用社 business are covered by the University's travel insurance.


Collaborations and Partnership Development

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Collaborations and Partnership Development

Sheila Adamson Partnership Development Manager 0131 474 0000