UKVI Guidance for Students

We are proud of the support we provide to International Students studying with us, and the contribution that you make to the University community. In order to allow International Students to study at the University, we hold a Student Visa Sponsor Licence. In being granted our licence, a number of requirements are placed on the University and on international students.

International Student Visa Advice and Guidance

  • Visa advice can only be given by the International Office. You should not rely on advice from family, friends, or other staff in the University.
  • You can receive support from the International Office by emailing International@qmu.ac.uk. You can also receive support from the International Office by coming to the drop-in advice sessions on Monday 2pm-4pm, Wednesday 10am-12pm and Friday 10am-12pm. They are held in rooms next to the Registry Information Point. All drop in sessions are held on campus.

New International Student Registration

  • Passport Checking
    We need to check and hold copies of passports and immigration documents for all International Fee status students, and those with a domicile, country of birth or dual nationality outside of the UK.
    For students with a non-UK passport we also need to check and hold copies of Biometric Residence Permits (BRPs), visas and passport vignettes.
    • Please bring your documents to the International Office for verification
    • If you do not show your passport, you will not be able to receive your smartcard
    • You must provide immigration documents to the International Office.Ìý
  • Monthly Student Visa Sign-In
    Please follow the guidance for the monthly Student Visa Sign-In below.
  • Passport and Visa changes, and Material Changes in Personal Circumstances
    You must inform the International Office of any changes to your visa or passport, or to your personal circumstances. Contact details are below.
  • Hours of Employment
    You are responsible for ensuring you do not exceed the employment hours outlined in your visa.Ìý

Continuing International Students

  • Monthly Student Visa Sign-In
    Please follow the guidance for the monthly Student Visa Sign-In below.
  • Passport and Visa changes, and Material Changes in Personal Circumstances
    You must inform the International Office of any changes to your visa or passport, or to your personal circumstances. Contact details are below.
  • Hours of Employment
    You are responsible for ensuring you do not exceed the employment hours outlined in your visa.Ìý

International Student Attendance and Engagement

For ALL Student Visa International students, new and continuing

All Student Visa students are required to attend all classes as per their personalised timetable. Their attendance must be recorded by swiping their student card against the card reader outside the relevant teaching room at the start of the class. You must swipe between 15 mins. before and 15 mins. after the class start time. Attendance in class and engagement with online sessions will be monitored.

Students who are unable to attend a timetabled event should submit an authorised absence request via the ÐÔÓÃÉç portal. Students who do not attend or do not engage may be at risk of losing their ÐÔÓÃÉç IT access and of putting their immigration status at risk.
Please see the Attendance Policy for more information: /about-the-university/quality/committees-regulations-policies-and-procedures/regulations-policies-and-procedures/

Student Visa Sign-In

For ALL Student Visa International students, new and continuing

All Student Visa students are required to Sign-In regularly to confirm their attendance. Even if you do not have any scheduled classes, you are still expected to sign-in. Students must Sign-In at the Registry Information Point once during each week below. Sign-In is available Monday to Friday during the following hours: 9am – 1pm and 2pm – 4pm.

Semester 1 Semester 2
Monday 2nd Oct. to Friday 6th Oct. 2023 Monday 15th Jan. to Friday 19th Jan. 2024
Monday 6th Nov. to Friday 10th Nov. 2023 Monday 5th Feb. to Friday 9th Feb. 2024
Monday 4th Dec. to Friday 8th Dec. 2023 Monday 4th Mar. to Friday 8th Mar. 2024
Ìý Monday 1st Apr. to Friday 5th Apr. 2024

Each time you Sign-In we will check your smartcard against the information held on your student record and confirm your current address and contact details. Please keep your contact details up to date via the ÐÔÓÃÉç Student Portal.
If you are on placement during a Sign-In week you will not be required to sign-in in person, although your attendance on placement will be confirmed with the placement provider.
If you are absent and cannot make it to Sign-In you must complete and submit an Absence Form on the ÐÔÓÃÉç Student Portal (or by contacting GraduateSchool@qmu.ac.uk if you are a doctoral research candidate)

The Week Before Each Sign-In

  • We will email you to remind you to Sign-In.

The Week After Each Sign-In

If you don't Sign-In and you don't have an authorised absence or weren't on placement:

  • We will email you asking you to Sign-In urgently.

2 Weeks After Each Sign-In

If you still haven't come to Sign-In and you don't have an authorised absence or weren't on placement:

  • We will restrict your access to ÐÔÓÃÉç services and online systems.
  • We will investigate your absence and report this to UKVI if appropriate.
  • This will likely result in you having to withdraw from your studies.Ìý

If you do not have any classes during a sign-in week, you must still sign-in on campus unless you
have an authorised absence.

We are here to support you with visa advice and guidance: International@qmu.ac.uk
We are here to support you with attendance and engagement:Ìý SEM@qmu.ac.uk
We are here to support you with the Student Visa Sign-In Process:Ìý SignIn@qmu.ac.uk
